All Roads Lead to the
Kauffman Center

Parked school buses and cars line up in front of a modern glass building, while a person wearing a safety vest stands nearby.

The Kauffman Center is passionate about providing youth in our community with opportunities to experience the performing arts.

The Bus Transportation Fund helps educators provide arts experiences to their students by eliminating or defraying bus costs.

Want to support this program? Donors help connect young people and families to the performing arts at the Kauffman Center. Make your donations online or call the Ticket Office at 816.994.7222.

Bus Transportation Fund is Supported by Evergy.

How to Apply

The process for receiving a bus transportation allowance is easy.

  1. Complete the online Transportation Fund Application form at the bottom of this page. Confirmation of approval and award notification takes approximately 1 week.
  2. Book your seats with the arts organization that is presenting the student matinee or open rehearsal you plan to attend.
  3. Attend the performance at the Kauffman Center and, afterward, a reimbursement check will be mailed to the address on your school’s Form W-9 about 3-4 weeks after the event.

Student Matinees

A group of children, dressed in winter clothes, hold hands and walk on a paved path beside school buses. Adults and safety officers, supported by the Kauffman Center Bus Transportation Fund, oversee their movement.

Apply for the Bus Transportation Fund

By completing the application on this page, you are submitting a request for a Bus Transportation Fund allowance. You must also book your seats for the performance with the appropriate arts organization. All Transportation Fund applications must be submitted five business days before the selected performance date to be processed.

If approved, you will receive an email confirming the amount of your bus transportation allowance. Don’t forget to reserve your seats for your preferred performance directly with the presenting arts organization.

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