Take Your Seat

Imagine attending a performance and seeing your name in lights, displayed for all to see.
With a donation of $2,500 to $10,000, your name or the name of a loved one will be displayed in brass on one of the seats in Muriel Kauffman Theatre or Helzberg Hall. Your donation also helps support our mission to provide world-class performing arts experiences to our community. Your generosity ensures we can continue offering exceptional programming and education opportunities for years to come.
What Your Support Means
As a nonprofit performing arts theatre, we rely on the generosity of our donors to keep the magic of live performance alive, bring our vision to life and make a meaningful impact in our community. Every contribution, whether through single donations, endowments, legacy gifts or seat naming — no matter the amount — is crucial in fueling our creative endeavors and ensuring our mission of connecting Kansas City to the arts succeeds.
From cultivating emerging talent to supporting innovative productions and providing accessible programming for everyone, your donations are essential to shaping our artistic landscape.

Grab A Seat
Don’t miss your chance to be part of the Kauffman Center’s legacy. To learn more about the Seat Naming program, call 816.994.7223 or email donate@kauffmancenter.org.