Vienna Boys Choir
Saturday, November 11 | 8:00PM
Helzberg Hall
The Kauffman Center for Performing Arts is proud to welcome the world-renowned Vienna Boys Choir on Saturday, November 11. Tickets including fees range from $35-$65, and are available now.
The Vienna Boys Choir has a history that spans centuries. The group was officially formed in 1498 when Emperor Maximilian I wished to add boys’ voices to the Imperial Choir. The boys began to sing at Sunday Mass at the Imperial Chapel in Vienna, a tradition that continues today.
Heralded as one of the best musical groups in the world, the members of the Vienna Boys Choir are known for their stringent training and admittance policies. The boys are educated in music theory and sight singing, and must also be able to play at least one instrument. At the age of 9, members are tested on musical ability and vocal quality before joining one of the four touring groups.
Today’s Vienna Boys Choir tours all over the world, delighting audiences with angelic voices and beautiful harmonies. Join the Vienna Boys Choir at the Kauffman Center for a night of incredible music on Saturday, November 11.
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