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Parking and Traffic Updates

Here are a few updates for attendees of upcoming events at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts.

  • Road Closures: Please be aware there will be construction occurring on the day of the 5th Annual Future Stages Festival (6/10) that will require parts of I-70 to be closed. Find more information about upcoming road closures on MoDOT’s website here.
  • Please be advised that the Kansas City Missouri Police Department has begun more strictly enforcing parking regulations in the Kauffman Center area.
  • Construction-related street closures are in effect at 16th and Wyandotte streets near the Kauffman Center. 16th Street is closed to traffic in both directions between Wyandotte and Baltimore streets. Please allow additional driving time to access the Arts District Garage and the Center.
  • The Buck O’Neil/Broadway bridge will have lane closures from mid-May through early December. This construction may cause delays for patrons coming into downtown to visit the Kauffman Center.
  • Portions of the Arts District Garage central stairs will be closed for improvements through September 2018. Elevators will be open on each parking level to provide access to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. Please do not enter closed construction areas and follow directions on posted signs.

For more information on directions and parking visit or click the Directions & Parking link  below.

Directions & Parking    Parking Map

Photo by Jillian Shoptaw