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Grandview High School Students Visit Kauffman Center

“Everything I learned today will be helpful in my journey to reach my goals in life.”-Grandview HS Student

Grandview High School Students Visit Kauffman Center

In February, the Kauffman Center partnered with Prep-KC, a local educational organization, to give 20 students from Grandview High School the opportunity to participate in a day of hands-on activities, tours, and interviews with staff at the Kauffman Center

“Today inspired me to think about a backstage career in theater.” -Grandview HS Student

This unique experience introduced students to careers beyond performance. Students were amazed by all the work that happens backstage to create a successful production!

The Kauffman Center’s Open Doors Program offers many different opportunities to help connect kids and families to the Kauffman Center. It is a key component of the Kauffman Center’s commitment to helping youth experience high quality live performances.

PREP-KC is an organization dedicated to improving the education of Kansas City’s urban students by providing resources to prepare all students for college and careers. Thank you to the students of Grandview High School and to Prep-KC for a fun and memorable day.